
Lumberjack Birthday Party

The year has flown by and my older kids are both turning another year older this week. 
How is my oldest 9 already? It seems like it was just yesterday when we brought her home from the hospital, but that was almost a decade ago!!

 We can't stop the time from flying by, the only thing we can do is live every moment to the fullest. 
Love each other, cuddle our kidos while they still like to be cuddle, read aloud to them while they still love bed time stories and spend as much time with them as possible. 

We celebrated their birthdays this weekend with family and friends. It was a such a fun day.
 At the end of the day, my son told me that he wished it was morning again and he could have his party all over again. I agree with you my dear, it went by way to fast. 

This year our theme was lumberjack inspired, both boy and girl friendly. 

Felt boys crown and the girls berry crowns are DIY. The supplies are from craft warehouse
Lanterns are from amazon
Trees are from amazon 
Table runner is from amazon 
Straws are from amazon 
Happy Birthday banner is from amazon 

-Love this years theme, it ties in with my christmas decor so well :)-

-Dessert Table-
Cakes are from our favorite bakery (I just put some animals and trees on them)
Cookies are home made. You can find the recipe here 

The deers were from toys r us a few years back.
Cake stand is from pier one (4 years ago)
Back ground is from amazon 

Polar bears and tree are from craft warehouse 

Our favorite Russian desserts: nut cookies filled with dulce leche 
The waffle cake is also made with a dulce leche filling 
Cute litte squirrel and moss mushrooms are from World market 2 years ago. 

 -My family, my everything-

-All is calm before the party-

-Thank you Lord for my babies-

-Oh how are you 9 my dear?!- 

-William scooting around on his trike- 

-Birthday boy and girl :)-

-Lunch was Pizza, salad and veggies-

-My darlings-

- Can you tell Nico is happy with his birthday gift?-

- Emily was pretty excited about her gifts to -

-Pass the present game, always a favorite-

-This year we tried a new game, we loaded up empty tissue boxes with ping pong balls which we strapped to our waists with belts and the kids had to wiggle and dance them all out, the person who got them out first was the winner, so much fun! I can see this being a hit with adults to! -

-Happy birthday my dear sweet children -

Thanks for visiting, 


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet angels! I love the tree cookies!

  2. so sweet. i love your theme, you are right, it is perfect for a woodland christmas. how smart that those cakes are so simple, and you just placed the animals on them. your children look like they certainly enjoyed! what's the pass the present game?

  3. What a fun party! I love your ideas! And what precious kids! You are blessed, indeed!
