
Winter Vacation 2016

We recently went away on a little winter getaway. It was our third year going to Bend Oregon, and I was still blown away with how beautiful it is. It truly was a winter wonderland. 

You see, we live in a area which never gets more then about an inch of snow (which ends up melting fairly quick) so to be surrounded by snow up to our knees and more falling was amazing. 
The kids could not get enough of it. They wanted to spend every daylight hour outside. Even William (our two year old) enjoyed the snow this year. Last year he hated putting on all the snow gear and wanted us to carry him around in the snow. This year, he lay on the bed patiently while I got his snow pants, boots, gloves, coat and hat on.
I don't know about you, but after helping the kids put on and take off their snow gear two or four times a day for 4 days, I was ready to go back home where there is no snow. Do any of you know what I mean? It can be exhausting (whew). Anyways, I always look forward to our winter vacations, just to get away from the busyness and pressure that we can sometimes feel this time of year, and reconnect with the family and be together without anywhere to be and anything to do.

-our evenings could not have been more perfect-

-the beautiful cabin we stayed in-

-slow mornings are the best kind of mornings-

-sledding and building forts, a few of his favorite things-

-love his rosy cheeks-

-playing with daddy-

-seriously, I can't get over this cabin-

-sledding on probably the most intense hill ever!-

-little cousins-

-hubby and I, right after I flew off of my sled and rolled down the hill, seriously the wanoga sled hill is intense-

-you can say it was pretty cold-

-cookie break outside-

-warming up after being outside-

-ice skating, one of our favorite winter activities-

-even william loved ice skating, he kept falling and getting right back up-

-strolling in the sunriver village-

-let it snow-

-william checking out the gifts, he thought there was something in there for him-

-catching snowflakes with his tongue-

-beautiful sunset-

-making christmas cookies with the kidos-

-my iced cookies are really easy and everyone loves them-

-the kids loved icing the cookies-

-playing outside all day long-

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