We love cake pops. What is not to love? Tiny little cakes, with bright colors and pretty sprinkles. What can I say? I am a child at heart :)
Here is how I make mine:
Bake a box cake according to the package directions.
Once the cake is cool, tear it up into pieces and put into your standing mixer:
Prepare a cookie sheet covered with freezer paper.
Take the dough and roll into small balls like so:
Next you need lollipop sticks and candy melts.
(I get mine at Walmart in the party aisles where all the cake decorating things are. The lollipop sticks are $1.75 and the cake melts are $2.49)
Take a little bit of the candy melts (about a 1/4 cup) and melt:
Swirl one end of the lollipop stick in the melted candy:
After the 20 minutes is up:
Melt the rest of your candy melts
Prepare a Styrofoam
Prepare any sprinkles you will be using
And tapped off the access:
(if your candy melts get hard just stick them back into the microwave for a couple seconds)
They dry really quick, then I just moved them into a vase.
I like to eat them cold, so I store them in the fridge.
Enjoy :)
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